Filming Rotor Riot. A new Drone Lifestyle Series
I've been developing, flying and tinkering around with drones for over 8 years now. I've been to several drone factories in China (an even taken a couple of naps at the Splash Drone factory), have attended more drone conventions that I can remember and get at least five emails or phone calls a week with new opportunities to be involved in a new drone related project. This last part might sound exiting, but it's one of the hardest parts of running a business: seeing new opportunities and passing on them. As an entrepreneur one of THE most important things is staying focused, but the many opportunities out there make it hard. To decide what opportunities I go after, I follow one rule: if it's not something you would do for fun, don't do it, no matter how much it pays. For me, being an entrepreneur is about freedom, not about money. I started Urban Drones because it was, and still is, fun. I became part of Rotor Riot for the same reason.
Rotor Riot is a new youtube channel that showcases the lifestyle of some of the most amazing freestyle drone pilots in the world. Check it out.
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