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🇺🇸 FAST 1 to 6 DAY SHIPPING IN THE USA 🇺🇸 Questions? Call 954-213-4977
Spry Drone - Portable Drone

Spry Drone - Portable Drone

In this video, he will show you the new Swellpro drone, the Spry. The Spry Drone is smaller in size for greater portability. The main feature of the Spry Drone is it's being waterproof. We can fly in wet places, fly in the rain, land and take off from the water, or even submerge it and keep it flying perfectly without being damaged. One of the few drones that with this size has such great characteristics and with which we can still get video recordings of the places which other drones can never do. Here's a video for those of you who speak Spanish where he will show you what you can find inside the box and its characteristics. Spry available in the USA at It shipped from the US, so place your order now by calling 954-213-4977
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