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🇺🇸 FAST 1 to 6 DAY SHIPPING IN THE USA 🇺🇸 Questions? Call 954-213-4977
Spry Drone Prototypes and Early Test at the Factory in China

Spry Drone Prototypes and Early Test at the Factory in China

Few more days and the Spry will be ready for delivery. The support that Spry got from backers in kickstarter was outstanding. It was 100% funded in just 45 minutes and just after the campaign was over, it got 252 Backers and over 843% funded. To get you more excited, here's a sneak peak of the production of the Spry drone prototypes and some early test at the factory in China. After 2 years of hardwork and prototyping, finally it will become a reality and should be ready by December and backers will get their Spry!
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