What To Know Before Buying a Racing Drone
Getting into drone racing is thrilling because it’s a relatively new sport. This means you can watch as the sport continues to evolve over time while also refining your skills in controlling your own drone. There are some things to be aware of when you’re considering purchasing your equipment, though. This is what to know before buying a racing drone.
Practice Is Essential
Professional racing drone pilots make flying look easy, but in actuality, it takes time to grow accustomed to the controls. Racing drones don’t come equipped with flight assistance like other types of drones do. You’ll need to practice a lot to minimize your crashes, so you may want to start with a cheaper drone. This model can take on the brunt of your collisions until you gain a better feel for flying drones in general. You can also find simulators where you direct the course of a virtual drone to cultivate your dexterity.
You’ll Need Spare Parts
Crashing is unavoidable when you’re learning to race a drone at high speeds. Even after you become a more experienced drone pilot, there will be times where you can’t react quickly enough to avoid an obstacle. As a consequence, your drone will eventually require repairs to replace damaged or missing pieces. Whenever you head out with your drone, be sure to bring along spare parts to ensure an unexpected crash doesn’t cut your session short. This is especially true if you’re competing in a race. Having multiple parts can also come in handy when you want to experiment with different configurations. Instead of purchasing only multiples of the same types of components, you can try out different designs as well.
There Are Drone Laws
Remote-controlled racing drones, though small, are still aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration places certain regulations on drone flying to ensure people stay safe. Racing drones indoors is usually less restrictive. However, in the open air, you should be more careful. Depending on the circumstances, you may need to obtain a license to fly your drone. You should also be aware of broad rules, such as keeping your drone under a speed of 100 mph, keeping your drone in your line of sight, and never flying more than 400 ft above the ground. This will ensure you don’t accidentally cause a problem.
Shop for racing drone kits by visiting Urban Drones today. We stock the latest drone technologies and have curated the best kits that will allow you to smoothly get started in racing.
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