You’re making a massive mistake if you don’t set up your SplashDrone 4 this way.

First Step
This guide will help you to calibrate your SplashDrone 4. Before your initial flight, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your area. Take time to read the user manual, ensure all batteries are fully charged, and get all accessories ready specially landing pad. Insert an SD card into a camera if you want to record videos or photos.
Second Step
Open the case and take out the aircraft. Install the landing gears. Then turn on the remote controller and then the fishing drone.
Third Step
Prior to your first flight, it's vital to properly calibrate the aircraft. Refer to the manual for guidance, attach the propellers securely after ensuring their good condition, install any payload accessories, and finally, power on the aircraft. After the aircraft completes itself test, it may take a few minutes at first for the aircraft to lock on to the GPS signal. Once the controller indicates at least 9 satellites detected, the drone will register its home point. Now you're ready to take your first flight.
Fourth Step
Pull both joysticks simultaneously down and inwards and maintain this position for one second. The motors will idle, ready for takeoff.Softly push the left joystick upwards to gradually elevate the splash drum. When releasing the joystick, the fishing drone will maintain a hovering position. The left joystick controls the aircraft's ascent.
De set, left turn and right turn. The right joystick controls the aircraft movement forward, Backward. Left and right. When landing the Splash Drone 4, try to land on an even surface.
Fifth Step
Slowly pull the left joystick down so that the aircraft lands smoothly and gradually. After landing, you can hold the left joystick down for 5 seconds to stop the motors. Alternatively, after the aircraft lands, simultaneously pull the left and right joysticks down and outwards and the motors will stop. Before turning off the aircraft, remember to always switch the camera to preview mode to save any video being recorded, then turn off the aircraft and remote controller in turn. After flight, please care for your battery.
Either allow it to cool and then recharge it for flight or check that it is approximately 50% charged for drone battery, 15.3 volts, for remote battery, 7.5 volts before storage. Remember the user manuals are full of tips and helpful information. Thanks for watching.
Important Reminder for Calibration:
Always calibrate outside in an open area on a level surface in the following sequence:
1. ) IMU (Left joystic help up, right joystick side to side until the screen prompt changes)
> Turn off drone and remote after IMU calibration is complete.
Restart drone and remote and proceed >
2.) Gyroscope(Left joystick held down, right joystick side to side until screen prompt changes)
>Turn off the drone and remote after gyroscope calibration is complete.
Restart the drone and remote and proceed >
3.) Compass(Rapidly toggle the flight mode switch between modes until screen changes. Follow the prompts on screen)
>Turn off the drone and remote after compass calibration is complete
Restart the drone and remote and you are ready to fly.
This Calibration Guide is not just for SD4 but also for FD1.
Preparing yourself before angling is important to have easy and hassle free fishing , such as familiarizing yourself with local regulations, charging batteries, and readying your gear. Ensuring proper calibration makes your drone fly perfectly and help you drop bait on exact location. Following both pre and post-care guidelines for your fishing drone ensures its longevity and optimal performance over time.
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